Kiln Walk Society’s WoodStoke Festival

The Gulf Coast Kiln Walk Society would like to invite the community to this year’s WoodStoke Festival featured artist, Christ Gustin, and guest artist Nancy Train Smith’s Exhibition. The exhibition opens January 17 at the Anna Switzer Center, Lamar Studio Gallery, Pensacola State College. Gustin is a world-renowned ceramic artist and professor emeritus with works in major museums worldwide, including the Renwick and Smithsonian. Smith utilizes abstract forms to depict the natural world. Both are national and international artists. A reception and artist talk will be on February 8 at 5 p.m.

The 19th Annual WoodStoke Festival will be held on February 10, from 9 a.m. to 3p.m. at the Kiln Walk site, 7507 Buckeye Dr., Navarre, FL.

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